Mistigris computer arts

Monday, June 24, 2024


 Mistigram: this @blippypixel #BBCMicro graphics screen, "Meteyeverse", strikes me as the Ludovico technique from A Clockwork Orange by way of Neuralink trials today. It was included in last month's science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection.


 Mistigram: you might see this after idly nibbling on one of the toadstools forming the magic mushroom ring. AdeptApril is celebrating International #Fairy Day here in #ANSIart, and I wonder whether this psychedelic pixie is going to help us open our third eye... or just hold our hair out of the toilet.

Sunday, June 23, 2024


 Mistigram: @Dosdocone prides himself on his literary inspirations, but sometimes these inspirations reach us second-hand via cinematic adaptations. This #ANSIart screen celebrates Arthur C. Clarke's #2001ASpaceOdyssey of 1968, filmed by #StanleyKubrick that same year. This portrait of #DaveBowman was included in last month's science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection.


Mistigram: If John Waters invites you to a screening today, run in the other direction! Not only is it National #Pink Day, but one of the most famous specific manifestations of pinkness -- the #PinkFlamingo -- also lays claim to today. This #ANSIart portrait of one such bird was drawn by AdeptApril.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


 Mistigram: A sacred pink humanoid with a binary code in place of a heart reassuringly radiates a healing aura into a blinding white emptiness it levitates in the centre of.  This #ANSIart screen was drawn by @Mavenmob and included in the recent science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection.


 Mistigram: through the buzzing and throbbing tremolos of several forms of unseen insect, amphibian and bird life surrounding you, you can just barely perceive a trail cutting between heavily forested tropical hills, overgrown with verdant greenery in the oppressive, vision-obscuring humidity.  This #ANSIart screen celebrating World #Rainforest Day, was drawn by AdeptApril.

Friday, June 21, 2024


 Mistigram: from five years ago, here's a colourful & dramatic vintage @blippypixel #BBCMicro landscape enshrining the cosmic occasion of today -- the #SummerSolstice. It was included in the MIST0819 artpack collection.


 Mistigram: this minimalist #ANSIart screen by AdeptApril captures the essence of today's holiday: International #Surfing Day. (If you really want to do it across national boundaries, you need to stay on the board for a long time!) Hang ten and stay radical!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

MIST0524 infofile header

 Mistigram: at wit's end trying to think of iconic science fiction franchises whose distinctive typography hadn't yet been plundered for previous years' SF-themed artpacks in May, Cthulu stumbled upon #HeavyMetal... then continued stumbling all the way through #ChrisAchilleos' poster art of #Taarna for its 1981 movie, adapting it in #ANSIart as the MIST0524 artpack's infofile header.


 Mistigram: In deference to Emma Lazarus' poem #TheNewColossus inscribed at her base ("Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,") AdeptApril has drawn the #StatueOfLiberty in #ANSIart for World Refugee Day.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Mistigram: if you prefer for your calendar to be punctuated by arguably more significant milestones, here's a @Horsenburger #teletext portrait of #AbrahamLincoln, "The Great Emancipator", shared on the occasion of #Juneteenth.


 Mistigram: do you ever feel like you're trying to do too many things at the same time? Maybe you don't have _enough_ balls in the air! Today's deep cut from AdeptApril's #ANSIart calendar is World #Juggling Day. (Now add a chainsaw!)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 Mistigram: from last month's science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection comes this #Dune-inspired #ANSIart landscape by Darkman Almighty, used atop that pack's memberlist.


 Mistigram: if you follow the advice of AdeptApril's #ANSIart calendar, the place where you can usually be found today should instead display a sign reading #GoneFishin -- you should instead be down by the creek or your local fishing hole, seeing if the fish are biting.

Monday, June 17, 2024


 Mistigram: gotta make a move to a town that's right for me... gotta keep it movin', keep it groovin' with some energy. This #BBCMicro high resolution graphics screen of #Cybertown (that must be the most meta neighbourhood of Geocities) was drawn by @blippypixel and included in last month's science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection.


 Mistigram: See you later, alligator! On June 17th, Crocodile. That's right -- today is World Croc Day. Here one of these prehistoric reptiles is hiding in plain sight, sinisterly pretending to be a couple of jungle-covered islands jutting out of the ocean. This sneaky #ANSIart screen was drawn by AdeptApril.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


 Mistigram: this greyscale #ANSIart portrait of #ColetteHiller as dropship pilot Corporal #ColetteFerro ("Fly the Friendly Skies" written on her helmet) in James Cameron's 1986 movie #Aliens was drawn by @_n1tr0n and included in last month's science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection.


 Mistigram: the tortoises and terrapins can just go right on back into their shells, because today the limelight is on their salty cousins -- it's World #SeaTurtle Day, mofos! This #ANSIart screen in commemoration of the occasion was drawn by AdeptApril.

Saturday, June 15, 2024


 Mistigram: when you were young, it was important you had someone you trusted to hold your hand and keep you safe when you crossed the busy byways and thoroughfares. This #ANSIart screen, "Father Figure", was drawn by @Mavenmob and was included in last month's science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection.


 Mistigram: at the convergence of global #wind day, fly a #kite day, and #electricity day, you get this, AdeptApril's #ANSIart (blink-animated on some platforms!) tribute to #BenFranklin.

Friday, June 14, 2024


 Mistigram: the palette of unearthly pastel colours help to establish an otherworldly ambiance in this @blippypixel #BBCMicro high resolution graphics screen, "Afternoon Cruise". Here's hoping your weekend can soar to similar #vaporwave heights! This piece was included in the recent science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection.


 Mistigram: As a non-American, I'm rather "meh" about AdeptApril's choice of occasion to celebrate in #ANSIart today, "United States #Flag Day", but ... let's run it up the flagpole and see who salutes.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


 Mistigram: LDA continued on a lowkey spree of ANSIfying popular internet memes by making an #ANSIart version of this still from 2010's #Futurama S6E3, "Attack of the Killer App", only in this version #PhilipJFry isn't quite saying "#ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney!" This screen was included in the recent science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection.


 Mistigram: AdeptApril has illustrated the distinctive design of the #Singer hand #SewingMachine in #ANSIart in observance of Sewing Machine Day today. Everyone who wears clothes and is too impatient to make their own with needle and thread should be celebrating!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Mistigram: From the recent science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection comes this #ANSIart screen from #StarTrek specialist Darkman Almighty of the USS Excelsior BBS, celebrating the seven-season run of the fourth live-action Trek series, finding its way home from the Delta Quadrant. Depicted is the ship, NCC-74656, that gave the series its name.


 Mistigram: Tell me, O Muse, of #Zeus most glorious and most great, Thundercloud, throned in the heavens! This one's for the Classical pagans out there: today is the day to honour the chief sky-god of the pantheon of Ancient #GreekMythology -- lover of many, progenitor of countless doomed heroes. AdeptApril acknowledges the occasion with this #ANSIart screen. (You might instead choose to burn the best cuts of a sacrificed ox -- either way, sincerity is the key.)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 Mistigram: this #teletext portrait of #DarylHannah as #Pris in Ridley Scott's 1982 film #BladeRunner was drawn by TeletextR and included in the recent science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection.


 Mistigram: Today's occasion, immortalized here in #ANSIart by AdeptApril, celebrates "#Corn on the Cob Day", a dietary staple of First Nations since time immemorial. (If you absolutely can't access it on-the-cob for supper tonight, you may have to settle for corn chips, corn dogs or popcorn.)

Monday, June 10, 2024


 Mistigram: #LongLiveTheFighters! For the second year in a row, @DosDocOne has made Frank Herbert's #Dune one of his literary selections for representation in our annual May science fiction artpack, likely informed by the success of its recent film adaptations in the cinemas. In this #ANSIart illustration we see a #Fremen warrior, clad in stillsuit and wielding a crysknife, defiant against sandworm bombardment from ornithopters, against a backdrop of Arvon, the second moon of Arrakis -- also known as #MuadDib -- looming in the background. This piece was included in last month's MIST0524 collection.


 Mistigram: AdeptApril has made a very literal #ANSIart interpretation of today's unexpected celebration of "Black Cow Day". There she is, the cow, she is black, hats off! But wait: what did this cow achieve that's so noteworthy? If anything, it's something that has been done with one of her byproducts -- that's right, a "black cow" is the original name for the beverage known today as the root beer float! (Granted, that is probably not as interesting to illustrate.) So proudly pour in your sarsaparilla over a scoop of vanilla ice cream (or don't, safrole has been found to be carcinogenic in high doses) and join me in a toast to this dark bovine with the delicious secretions!

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 Mistigram: a vignette of a do(o)med arcology, "Everything's Fine In Here" is a specimen of #TypewriterArt from the desk of @lordnkon that raises a lot of questions seemingly answered by its title. (What's up with the dome? What's with the apparently smoldering rubble comprising roughly two thirds of your dome's contents? Blink twice if you need help!) This piece was included in last month's science fiction-themed MIST0524 artpack collection.


 Mistigram: you may be surprised to find that Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie warrants a day of celebration, but I can't argue with it!  The only thing missing from AdeptApril's #ANSIart illustration is a scoop of vanilla ice cream, waiting to be added after the pie cools and is put on a plate to enjoy.

Saturday, June 8, 2024


 Mistigram: it's a choppy day out there on the sea today, according to AdeptApril's #ANSIart screen, but then it's World #Ocean Day, not world puddle day. Some waves, currents and tidal action are expected.

Friday, June 7, 2024


 Mistigram: is your show broadcasting tonight while you have other plans? No worries! Just plug this box into your television set -- doesn't matter whether it's a VHS or Betamax, either will do -- and you can watch it later, in its entirety. (Even the commercials!) This #ANSIart screen celebrating #VCR day was drawn by AdeptApril.

Thursday, June 6, 2024


 Mistigram: today AdeptApril has drawn an #ANSIart portrait of @docpop (just out of frame). It's #Yoyo day! This specimen is sleeping, but any moment now it could start walking the dog.