Mistigris computer arts

Saturday, August 31, 2024


 Mistigram: today at Sacramento's @chalkitupsac Festival, Skrubly reproduced, in sidewalk chalk, Banzo9420's ANSI art take on a j33p33 Mistigris logo outline we invited artists to finish "in their style" for our 25th anniversary back in the MIST1119 artpack collection. (Speaking of which, we should get another one of those going for our 30th anniversary this November!)


 Mistigram: today was originally omitted by accident from AdeptApril's daily #ANSIart calendar, but when this was pointed out she obliged by cranking out this illustration of a BBQ at the picnic site, celebrating Eat Outside Day.

Friday, August 30, 2024


 Mistigram: 232 years ago on this date #MaryShelley was born, daughter of feminist Mary Wollstonecraft and anarchist William Godwin. One night she invented both horror and science fiction by writing #Frankenstein in order to escape the unbearable tedium of being shut up in a holiday cabin with Lord Byron in the summer of 1816. This #ANSIart celebration of her creation was drawn by AdeptApril.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


 Mistigram: pucker up, baby! If you like lemons but can't stand the pulp, today is the day for you: #LemonJuice day, illustrated here in #ANSIart by AdeptApril!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Mistigram: I imagine it may not come as a great surprise to you, but many practitioners of #ANSIart (such as AdeptApril, who drew this screen) love to read #ComicBooks. Are they ashamed of their literary indulgence? No! They take their favorite panels and reproduce them in glorious blocky #textmode! Today we can all proudly be like them, on International Read Comics In Public Day.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 Mistigram: I guess Paper had previously been disqualified by Scissors here at the #RockPaperScissors finals, leaving a tense showdown here in AdeptApril's #ANSIart screen celebrating World Rock, Paper, Scissors Day. (Best two out of three?)

Monday, August 26, 2024


 Mistigram: not much more than a hundred years ago, women gained the right to vote in the United States, when the 19th Amendment was signed into law. Now, a woman may be voted President... or, conversely, women may lose their personhood. AdeptApril provided us with that food for thought on Women's #Equality Day by way of this #ANSIart screen.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


 Mistigram: you can have your parfaits, Knickerbocker glories, or Tin Roof sundaes, but in my mind for a #sundae treat you can't beat a #BananaSplit -- celebrated today in #ANSIart by AdeptApril.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


 Mistigram: AdeptApril has taught us with this #ANSIart screen that today is Weather Complaint Day! They say that everyone complains about the weather but no one does anything about it, so if there are any evil geniuses out there waiting to test their weather machine, today's the day to fire it up! (Or maybe you already did?)

Friday, August 23, 2024


 Mistigram: National #RideTheWind Day celebrates the anniversary of the winning of the #KremerPrize for human-powered flight back in 1961, but AdeptApril has chosen a more liberal interpretation of the holiday's name, illustrating it in #ANSIart with hot-air balloons.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


Mistigram: Bear with me: in 1986, DJ Tom Roy of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, invented a holiday -- to thwart winter at its height, by yelling "Hoodie-Hoo!" on Feb 20th to frighten it away. Today, conversely, is _Southern Hemisphere_ #HoodieHoo Day, so AdeptApril has drawn a gregarious #ANSIart logo in recognition of the occasion.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Mistigram: AdeptApril joins us in celebrating (with #ANSIart) a cool Italian treat today, which apparently is National #Spumoni Day! You too can enjoy a cold serving of the molded multi-flavour gelato dish, which deliciously is related etymologically to the word "spew".

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 Mistigram: AdeptApril wants to make sure you all enjoy a happy Virtual Worlds Day, and drew this #ANSIart screen of #MsPacMan to underscore the point, so go fire up Mudlet, connect to Habitat over Q-Link, and see if you can somehow revisit CitySpace.

Monday, August 19, 2024


 Mistigram: Baked, fried, mashed or scalloped, milled into flour, distilled into vodka or twisted into a tornado, AdeptApril wants to remind you, in #ANSIart, that today on National #Potato Day there is virtually no wrong way to enjoy Peru's main crop.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


 Mistigram: finally a holiday we at Mistigris can really get behind from our rich personal experience of it: today AdeptApril uses #ANSIart to celebrate the occasion of #BadPoetry Day!

Friday, August 16, 2024


 Mistigram: I don't know if you already partook of the deep-fried bubble-gum-on-a-stick, but in the interests of keeping it down, maybe you should suspend further investigations into new country fair cuisine until today's observance of National #RollerCoaster Day wraps, as illustrated here in #ANSIart by AdeptApril.


 Mistigram: I don't know if you were able to decode the coordinates, but yesterday was International #Geocaching Day, as celebrated by this #ANSIart screen by AdeptApril. (When you find it, don't forget to leave your initials in the logbook!)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 Mistigram: on this date in 1457, one year after the Gutenberg Bible was made, the Mainz Psalter became the first book made with a multicolour printing process. As in this #ANSIart illustration by AdeptApril, I don't believe that any of these books depicted knights fighting dragons, but the important point is: they _should_ have.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 Mistigram: today we raise our hands in salute to the southpaws of the world. There's nothing gauche or sinister about this #ANSIart screen by AdeptApril -- we're just celebrating International Left-Handers Day.

Monday, August 12, 2024


 Mistigram: vinyl enthusiasts, your day is here! As AdeptApril's #ANSIart screen suggests, today's the day to slip your records our of their sleeves and throw them on the turntable platter! #YouSpinMeRightRound

Sunday, August 11, 2024


 Mistigram: as this AdeptApril #ANSIart screen of impregnable wall of reversed sandbucket bricks suggests, today is "Play in the #Sand" Day, so consider getting out there and coming home with some grit between your toes!

Saturday, August 10, 2024


 Mistigram: if you've ever relied on a garment to draw emphasis on to one part of your body and away from a different part, then you can give three cheers today for National #Shapewear Day and we can all throw our assorted girdles, corsets and trusses up in the air like Lycra confetti. This #ANSIart screen for the occasion was drawn by AdeptApril.

Friday, August 9, 2024


 Mistigram: AdeptApril really puts the text in #textmode art this time, illustrating an apparently delightful (and seemingly enormous) #book in #ANSIart for Book Lovers Day. (Maybe it's a volume from Misprint Manuscripts?) Don't forget your bookmark!

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 Mistigram: as this #ANSIart moggie, drawn in #ANSIart by AdeptApril, will testify -- today is International #Cat Day! You can adopt one, or conversely, often one will adopt you! Either way, you can get an injection of chaotic feline energy into your life.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Mistigram: The suggestive silhouette of a #lighthouse shines a beacon out into the night in this #ANSIart screen by AdeptApril.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 Mistigram: look out, birds and turtles, AdeptApril has just taught me with this #ANSIart screen that it's "Balloons to Heaven" Day, a modern way to memorialize victims of gun violence while jeopardizing wildlife.  It's a nice metaphor, but writing your legislative representative for stronger gun control laws might exact less collateral damage on the environment.

Friday, August 2, 2024


 Mistigram: AdeptApril owns up to not entirely being sure what a #dinosaur actually looked like (fair enough, if any of us were there when the dinos were, speak now!) but nevertheless shares this hazy #ANSIart shadow of the Platonic ideal of a dinosaur for the occasion of Dinosaurs Day!

Thursday, August 1, 2024


 Mistigram: today AdeptApril used the medium of #ANSIart to send you all wellwishes on the occasion of Homemade #Pie Day. (That's right: believe it or not, there are no math jokes figuring into this illustration at all.)