Mistigris computer arts

Friday, September 20, 2024


 Mistigram: Do androids dream of electric sheep? DO colourless green ideas sleep furiously? How would you draw #gibberish? (How would it draw you?) (How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? How long is a piece of string?) Here's AdeptApril's attempt in #ANSIart. Why is a raven like a writing desk? I must speak with the dolphins now. Eeeee-eeee-eee-eeeeeee!

Thursday, September 19, 2024


 Mistigram: w3rd up, d00dZ, anyone got 0-3 day wareZzz? (checks notes) Sorry, it seems I was talking like the wrong kind of #pirate on #TalkLikeAPirateDay. (Ah well, in for a penny, in for a pound. Hack the planet!) This #ANSIart #JollyRoger was drawn by AdeptApril for the occasion.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024



Mistigram: every day is a good day to read a book, but today is a special subset of that general goal: AdeptApril has illustrated an #ANSIart celebration of "International Read An #eBook Day" today. Relish in that gloriously chunky e-ink screen in dark mode!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 Mistigram: If you rely on outside help to keep your home clean, today is the day for you to salute your professional house cleaners. With a broom, mop and bucket, they help you ... sweep and muck it. This #ANSIart screen was drawn by AdeptApril.

Monday, September 16, 2024


 Mistigram: on this date in 1810, the Mexican War of Independence from Spain began with the Cry of Dolores. (Spoiler warning: #Mexico won!) AdeptApril celebrates the occasion with this #ANSIart adaptation of the Mexican flag, featuring a centre device retelling the founding myth for the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan.

Sunday, September 15, 2024


 Mistigram: You saw a lot of these in '90s artpacks with the mainstream burgeoning of hip-hop culture bringing a healthy dose of "Black is Beautiful" ethos, but still most of us never got a chance to actually sport one on our heads. Today AdeptApril celebrates World #Afro Day in #ANSIart. In the words of the "Jive" ebonics translator: Slap mah 'fro!

Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Mistigram: no need to keep it monochrome, AdeptApril has tapped half of #ANSIart's sixteen glorious colours to implore you all to explore some of the different hues today on National #Coloring Day.


 Mistigram: a blast from the past, this #pixelart portrait of #JasonVoorhees from #FridayThe13th Part VII: The New Blood, was drawn by @stephanrewind (currently engrossed developing his PlayDate U-boat simulator Atlantic '41) and included in the spooky MIST1020 artpack collection released four years ago.

Friday, September 13, 2024


 Mistigram: happy #FridayThe13th! You see AdeptApril's #ANSIart #BlackCat approaching! Are you bold enough to F around and find out? (Looks kind of like the cat already did.) Fear not, it's National Defy #Superstition Day, so give a big "forget you" to Stevie Wonder and all those old wives' tales!

Thursday, September 12, 2024


 Mistigram: in 8-bit programming, the "oddly specific" number 256 is an important one, and if you go looking for it you will find it everywhere in this realm. AdeptApril of Storm BBS observes the significance of this number for programmers today, the 256th day of the year, in this nominal #ANSIart screen.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Mistigram: AdeptApril's #ANSIart screen of the burning #TwinTowers of the #WorldTradeCenter is an apt but likely unnecessary illustration for the occasion of "Patriot Day", an image already forever burned into the memory of anyone who was alive when it took place. This event memorializes the victims of the attack 23 years ago today, including a great many first responders.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Mistigram: back in the dark ages before Snapchat filters, we had something you could use to alter your appearance by rubbing pigment on to the skin of your face.  Today AdeptApril leads us in observing International #Makeup Day with this #ANSIart screen.

Monday, September 9, 2024


 Mistigram: we don't want to celebrate computer bugs but it sure is useful to be able to find and address them! On this day in 1947, actual computer debugging was achieved for the first time by removing a moth that had gotten into the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator, being tested at Harvard University. AdeptApril has illustrated in #ANSIart the log of the incident, complete with taped moth!

Sunday, September 8, 2024


 Mistigram: we're all big fans of various & sundry, this & that, and so forth & so on, &c., and the glue knitting it all together is the symbol known as the #ampersand, which AdeptApril celebrates in #ANSIart today for National Ampersand Day. It was originally a calligraphed "et", meaning "and" in Latin, but took on a life of its own.

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Mistigram: Why has AdeptApril drawn a #PostageStamp in #ANSIart? Is it national philately day? Not quite: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" isn't just paraphrased in Laurie Anderson's "O Superman", this phrase (derived from Herodotus describing the courier service of the Persian Empire under Xerxes I) is carved into New York City's James A. Farley Post Office, which opened in 1914 on this day.

Friday, September 6, 2024


 Mistigram: we have learned from AdeptApril's #ANSIart screen that today is Fight #Procrastination Day, but if you wanted to postpone engaging that particular challenge until the weekend... I don't think it would be the end of the world. (Maybe next month would be even better!)

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Mistigram: We have a tantalizing delicacy from AdeptApril's daily #ANSIart calendar to share with you today, celebrating the savory fried South Asian pastry on World #Samosa Day. Get out the chutney and save some raita for me!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 Mistigram: when AdeptApril first drew this #ANSIart calendar, a few years ago, today's date fell on the first Friday in September, which is designated Wear #Teal Day to raise ovarian cancer awareness. (Confusingly, there is another Wear Teal Day in April, to show support for survivors of sexual harassment and abuse. Maybe we all should just be wearing more teal, generally?)

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 Mistigram: faceless black monolithic edifices, safe deposit boxes in the sky? Check and check! Look up, way up, and try not to get your wallet pickpocketed as you celebrate National #Skyscraper Day, as AdeptApril has done here in #ANSIart.

Monday, September 2, 2024


 Mistigram: this greyscale #ANSIart image, adapted by AdeptApril (AdaptApril?) from a black and white photograph of a longago conflict, marks #VJDay, the closing of the final chapter of WWII with the end of the war in the Pacific. 78 years ago today formal documents of surrender were signed in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Missouri.

Sunday, September 1, 2024


 Mistigram: to whom it may concern -- I hope this finds you well. I have learned through an #ANSIart screen by AdeptApril -- this very one! -- that today is World #Letter Writing Day. Perhaps someday I should tell you about the time I devised a packet switching-through-post project as an expensive piece of mail art, but there simply isn't enough room here today to do so. Yours truly, old suchandsuch.