Mistigris computer arts

Thursday, January 30, 2025



Mistigram: on New Year's Eve we released two artpacks -- the second of them, IGNITE01, was a collection of multimedia screens drawn in the #AtariST's forgotten IGS (Instant Graphics & Sound) format, intended for BBS use, curated by @kirkman14 as part of his deep dive into the defunct system, extensively documented at https://breakintochat.com/blog/category/instant-graphics-and-sound/ This spiralling specimen, "the recursion is justified", was drawn by Moth.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 Mistigram: #GungHayFatChoy!  @a_mouse drew this #ASCIIart python in celebration of #ChineseNewYear, which this time around is the year of the #snake!  This ophidiac piece was included in the recent MIST-30 artpack collection.  Hiss hiss hurray!

Monday, January 27, 2025


 Mistigram: somewhere between the extreme settings of the sit/stand desk is a secret optional 'dance' function that it seems the programmer's office manager didn't spring for.  This #ASCIIart animation is by @Joninscii, and was included in the recent MIST-30 artpack collection.

Friday, January 24, 2025


 Mistigram: this sassy pro-piracy PSA comes straight outta the underground courtesy of MC Fresher, who drew this #textmode illustration in Unicode using #Durdraw.  It was included in the recent MIST-30 artpack collection.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


 Mistigram: hats off to Darkman Almighty, who after many attempts finally hit the jackpot and won first place in a Blender improvised art compo last weekend with this #ANSIart screen engaging the timely themes of #SMURFS / GAMBLING / WHITE HOUSE.

Monday, January 20, 2025


 Mistigram: for no particular reason, here's a #pixelart personal statement by The Elk: No Room For Nazism On Earth... likely drawn on an #AcornElectron, originally included in the MIST1120 artpack collection released five years ago.


 Mistigram: was there anything else going on in America today? This was the only worthwhile event of any real importance: #MartinLutherKingDay takes place on the third Monday of January to remember the achievements of the martyred nonviolent #CivilRights activist Dr #MartinLutherKingJr. This monochrome #teletext portrait was drawn by @Horsenburger and included in the MIST0222 artpack collection released three years ago.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

BLNDR2025A topics

 Mistigram: the topics for this weekend's Blender improv art compo are: SMURFS / GAMBLING / WHITE HOUSE! You have 24 hours to submit art using those themes. General ground rules at mistigris.org/blender/blend.html, countdown and submission info at lazarusblocks.com/blender

Friday, January 17, 2025


 Mistigram: "I'll fuck anything that moves!"  This #pixelart tribute to the late #DavidLynch's 1986 film #BlueVelvet, representing its incredible cast including #IsabellaRossellini, #KyleMacLachlan, #DennisHopper, #LauraDern, #DeanStockwell and #BradDourif, was drawn by @chuppixel and included in the film-themed MIST0918 artpack collection released seven years ago.


 Mistigram: this eye-bleeding scene of juvenile armed insurgency under the big top is the #ANSIart handiwork of Darkman Almighty, winning 3rd place in the most recent Blender improvised computer art competition on the topics of MASKED CHILDREN / TERRORISM / CIRCUS.  We run another one this weekend, based out of channel #blender on the EFNet IRC.  Stay tuned for the topics!  General ground rules at mistigris.org/blender/blend.html

Thursday, January 16, 2025


 Mistigram: a repost from our back stacks in honour of the occasion -- RIP to arthouse filmmaker #DavidLynch. Thanks for all the late night weird times. #Teletext portrait by @horsenburger, included in the film-themed MIST0920 artpack collection released five years ago.


 Mistigram: co-presenter @smetnoc (Warpus) of @lazarusblocks drew this #HomeAlone-inspired #ANSIart screen after the last Blender improvised computer art compo wrapped, featuring art on its triple themes of MASKED CHILDREN / TERRORISM / CIRCUS.  We run another one this weekend, based out of channel #blender on the EFNet IRC.  Stay tuned for the topics!  General ground rules at mistigris.org/blender/blend.html

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


 Mistigram: this labyrinthine Mistfunk logo was drawn as a modified #PETSCII screen for the #C64 by our guest @goto80 of text-mode.org.  It was released in the recent MIST-30 artpack collection celebrating 30 years since our first release.

Monday, January 13, 2025


 Mistigram: this romantic robot was drawn by Alexander Corris in the #AtariST's long-forgotten #IGS (Instant Graphics & Sound) multimedia / vector graphics format - extensively documented at https://breakintochat.com/wiki/Instant_Graphics_and_Sound_(IGS) - and was included in @kirkman14's recent IGNITE01 collection of new IGS works.

Sunday, January 12, 2025


 Mistigram: for the recent MIST-30 artpack collection, while contemplating what else started in 1994, @the60ftatomicman drew an animated Mistigris #ASCIIart version of the #throbber in #NetscapeNavigator, that would cycle in the top right corner while loading your requested URL.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


 Mistigram: Fitting a nine-letter crew name into an 80-column text screen doesn't leave a lot of room for niceties like kerning, but when VenomTheBlackOne did it out of the blue we realised this probably wasn't his first #ANSIart logo. More recent work by the artist formerly known as Kurrupt appeared in the new MIST-30 artpack collection.

Friday, January 10, 2025


 Mistigram: as we demonstrated one year ago, in Mist Classic days Onyx was a non-stop music tracking machine.  In the meantime he's been a tireless writer of SF ebooks.  But recently he has taken up #painting, so for the new MIST-30 artpack we charged him with painting an homage to our first WHQ BBS 30 years ago, Nitnatsnoc's #TheScreamingTomato.

Thursday, January 9, 2025


 Mistigram: after taking a few years off to recharge his batteries, @XTComics recently stepped back into the saddle again, resuming drawing his humorous comic strips using a mixture of #ASCIIart characters and emoji.  This particular specimen is an unusual coloured one, and touches on some issues of motivation that many artists struggle with.  This piece was included in the new MIST-30 artpack collection.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Mistigram: If you weren't around while its brand was a big league going concern, it is perhaps impossible to fully appreciate the stranglehold that the appearance of George Opperman's #Fuji logo for #Atari could establish on a young mind, living on rent-free for decades as a retrofuturistic visual shibboleth of sorts.  It flies a colour-cycling flag here for the #AtariST home computer platform whose BBSes the #IGS (or #InstantGraphicsAndSound) multimedia format was designed for use on.  IGS archaeologist @Kirkman drew this animated image for inclusion in the new IGNITE01 artpack collection of modern IGS screens that he spearheaded.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


 Mistigram: After the polarizing art dynamo known as Eerie got us pointed in the right direction during our initial formation, he gave his regrets & advised that he'd only be submitting experimental hirez doodles to us going forward. For the new MIST-30 artpack collection @AtonalOsprey cloned one of them in #teletext from literally 30 years prior.

Monday, January 6, 2025


 Mistigram: A righteous mythological Hindu babe, third eye wide open even though the other two are hidden behind bitchin' red shades, uses her six arms to demonstrate mastery over four NES controllers, enough to dominate a round of Super Spike V'Ball while eating a biryani.  This intensely nostalgic #ANSIart screen, 'Every End Is Fated In Its Beginning', was drawn by @Mavenmob and included in the new MIST-30 30th anniversary artpack collection.

Sunday, January 5, 2025


 Mistigram: This escaped Space Invader, drawn by @Polyducks, is a highlight of #IGS vector graphics from the recent IGNITE01 artpack collection of modern examples of the #AtariST's #InstantGraphicsAndSound format. You can enjoy further specimens via https://16colo.rs/pack/ignite01

Friday, January 3, 2025


 Mistigram: this elegant Mistigris promo, a minimalist tweaked #ASCIIart (Xbin) flock of birds taking flight, was drawn by Mozz and is the first piece we share from our new MIST-30 artpack collection released New Year's Eve, celebrating 30 years since the release of the first Mist pack.

Thursday, January 2, 2025


 Mistigram: so the future may be filled with man-made horrors beyond our comprehension, but still we've got to celebrate another trip around the sun, so here's @blippypixel ringing us in #teletext-style to the year of the AI and the end of objective reality! May your year have the right number of fingers!


 Mistigram: @kurogao96 wishes everyone a happy #ASCII art / emoji 2025, the #YearOfTheSnake! Not every animal can assume the shape of a numeral, but the twisty snake has a good shot at taking them all on! Can the first fully snake-based, mouse-powered computer be far behind?

best of 2024

 Mistigram: with all the turmoil in the social media world (eg. cohost) over the past 12 months, this isn't a complete reckoning, but here's a good stab at our top 9 most popular and well-received artworks shared across our fleet of mistfunk accounts over the past calendar year.  Congrats and thanks to all of our contributors, and here's looking forward to an inspirational and productive 2025!


 Mistigram: for some time our oldschool colleague @kirkman of BreakIntoChat.com has been investigating and reviving the long-defunct #IGS (Instant Graphics and Sound) multimedia vector art format intended in the early '90s for use on #AtariST BBSes.  This research culminated in our joint release of the IGNITE01 artpack collection on the final day of 2024 (our second artpack release of that day!), including several animated screens with sound effects that he made and numerous static illustrations, many of them drawn by regulars of the Mistigris computer art collective.  You can enjoy seeing the static screens (and downloading the animated ones for local display) via the @16colors web gallery, or if you prefer you can watch them all display as they would have unfolded on period BBSes on YouTube via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS_riObN32o .  Kirkman's complete explorations into the history of the IGS file format can be enjoyed at https://breakintochat.com/blog/category/instant-graphics-and-sound/?order=asc