Mistigris computer arts

Sunday, December 21, 2014

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VZ8wNA8_Rc?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

20 years ago, it was just another month on BBSes, and underground computer artists continued along in their low-resolution hobby same as they ever did, minting blocky logos for BBSes and waiting for busy signals to resolve into symphonies of modem handshakes.  But December being what it is, and us being a bunch of kids, the occasion of Christmas was looming large in our collective subconscious.  So here’s what you get:

Resident coder Dr. CPU drew on some sound libraries and logos (and, all right, did some programming of his own as well 8) to put together a joint “intro”, an executable MS-DOS program that displayed scrolling pictures and text while playing music, acting as a multimedia Christmas card from the members of Mistigris and our fellow travellers in would-be 604 demogroup Sonic Equinox.  It was released in our third artpack, MIST1294.ZIP.

But that’s not all the Christmas content that was to be found in that pack, so as a bonus, I’ve presented our two grand Christmas ANSI and lit (or poetry) “collies” – compilations glommed together into a single large file – scrolling by at a respectable period speed of 2400 baud… to the sweet strains of the first part of the Bells of Yule, which appeared in that artpack as a preview of sorts to the music disk we released later that month featuring all five parts, which was subsequently lost for 16 years and just this week re-issued in a remastered form.

(Full credits in the description of the video over at YouTube!)

We released another Christmas intro the following year, but … one post at a time!

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