Mistigram: so, we’re on a #SesameStreet bender, are we? How many #CookieMonster pictures can we post today? This 1999 sidewalk chalk drawing from the Evoke #demoparty requires a little explanation… Mistigris founder Cthulu found himself visiting European demoparties and meeting continental artscene people that summer along with God Among Lice, then of HRG (and formerly of Fire). An impromptu illustration contest in the vein of the Blender was announced in the middle of Evoke, challenging attendees to quickly make a drawing involving cookies, gangs and power plants. You can’t see the complete entry, but the idea is that Cookie Monster is the leader of a local gang devoted to pulling the plug on Evoke, as (out of frame) thugs mount an assault on the wind turbines dotting the landscape around the festival’s host town. It placed 7th out of 11 entries, which is still quite a bit better than the outright disqualification suffered by Cthulu’s entry to the tracker music competition 8) https://ift.tt/2NoId2z
via Tumblr https://ift.tt/2LqjU3H
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